Hi, I'm Canan
Oups ...
Never forget impossible is possible
Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart.
We're just collecting some error info, and then we'll restart for you.
0% complete
For more information about this issue and possible fixes, visit
If you call a support person, give them this info:
- This is not a misspelling of NPM, but an official module
- > Its operation is as follows:
It checks if your package exists in your project (so your node_modules folder)
If so, then he executes it
If not, then it looks to see if it exists in global to execute it
If it doesn't exist anywhere, then it temporarily installs it and runs it
- New flags like --no-install allow to forbid the installation of the package if it is not present in the dependencies of the project
- It is therefore possible to use packages temporarily, the whole more easily, it is therefore necessary to use this new tool created and made available by NPM