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Epitech Tech1
A lot of student leave during this year!
Swimming pool C
Mythical period, it is a must for all new entrants to school. During the first 3 weeks, the pace of work is intensive (08 - 11:42 p.m.) to mark the beginning of higher education. Exercises to make every day at a fixed time, auto-correction computer roping stopping at the first erreure, supervised practical sessions, continuous monitoring
C Prog Elem
Through many small projects (Bistromathique, BSQ, PushSwap, etc.), to learn the basics of programming quality through strict Epitech standard based on the understanding of classical algorithms, structures data standards and common programming technics
Implement the realization of students programming skills in fun and visual projects (RT-V1, Raytracer), via the RayTracing technique, all from scratch
Mathematics advanced
Through the implementation of concrete projects (vector and matrix calculations, handling sequences and functions, Geometry 2D and 3D, etc.) to assimilate mathematical tools
Unix System
Through numerous projects (Myprintf, myls, mySelect, Alum-1 Korewar, Lem-in MiniTalk, 42sh, etc.), use the UNIX programming interface while enhancing qualities programmer
Epitech Tech2
The interesting things start here!
Swimming pool C++
Mythical period, it is a must for the second year. During the first 3 weeks of return of the course, the pace of work is intensive (08 - 11:42 p.m.) to mark the beginning of the new year. Exercises to make every day at a fixed time, auto-correction computer roping stopping at the first erreure, supervised practical sessions, continuous monitoring
By intensive immersion in the programming and the implementation of more complex projects (Abstract VM, Nibbler, The Plaza, Bomberman), transmit technical bases of C++
Unix System
Realization of numerous projects of complexity equivalent to classic system tools (Mymalloc, Myftp, Myirc, Philosophes, Lemipc, Zappy, Ftrace, Strace, etc.), all using only our own library
Mathematics advanced
Through the implementation of concrete projects (Probability, random variables, descriptive statistics, sampling, estimation, correlation, hypothesis testing, etc.) to assimilate mathematical tools
C Prog Elem advanced
The Trade project consists of a simulation of stock market prices, following the observed values, the program buys or sells shares with a single objective: Make a fortune at all costs!
Epitech Tech3
The most exciting year to finish!
Swimming pool adaptation
Mythical period, it is a must for the troisèmes year. During the first week of the year, the pace of work is intensive (08 - 23h42) to mark the beginning of the new year. Unlike other previous two pools, the goal is not to learn to use one language, but allow us to adapt quickly to an unknown language. Exercises to make every day at a fixed time, auto-correction computer roping stopping at the first erreure, supervised practical sessions, continuous monitoring.
English TOEIC 750
Through lessons, exercises and conversations with foreign students, we had to improve our level of English to obtain a Toiec score equal to or higher than 750, which will allow us to go abroad in the fourth year
Mathematics advanced
Through the implementation of concrete projects (theory and graph representation, Lagrangian Relaxation Program constraint and linear Markov Chains, Queues, Dynamic Programming, etc.) to assimilate mathematical tools
Artificial intelligence
Creation of the game and implementation of artificial intelligence algorithms through a man against machine game mode (GUI and games rules, Final defense, etc.), while allowing the possibility of also playing against friends
Learn to program in Java and know the standard environments to allow us to design different complex projects (JCsi, EpiMarket, etc.)
The UML is used to specify, visualize, modify, and build documents needed to develop an object-oriented software. It provides a standard modeling to represent software architecture