Hi, I'm Canan
Oups ...
Never forget impossible is possible
Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart.
We're just collecting some error info, and then we'll restart for you.
0% complete
For more information about this issue and possible fixes, visit
If you call a support person, give them this info:
Correct lib_deps issue
Visual Studio
- Find on your debug console which lib create this issue (c.f: can not be download, impossible to unzip, file not found, etc.)
- Open "plateformio.ini" file and test the url of it
- /!\ If it doesn't work, edit with the good url and retry!
- > If it works, simply download directly the archive and:
Go in you ".pio" folder of your project, then in the subfolder
Copy paste the fresh lib download folder (remove "-master" or other suffix)
Create a ".pio" folder inside which contains a ".piopkgmanager.json" file with : {"name": "__LIB_NAME__", "url": "__URL__", "requirements": null}