Hi, I'm Canan
Oups ...
Never forget impossible is possible
Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart.
We're just collecting some error info, and then we'll restart for you.
0% complete
For more information about this issue and possible fixes, visit
If you call a support person, give them this info:
Download entire folder from url
- Go to the VisualWget site
- https://sites.google.com/site/visualwget/a-download-manager-gui-based-on-wget-for-windows
- Clic on "+" to add a new task and fill it
- /!\ Advanced -> Click on "Load empty"!
General -> Put your "url"
General -> Check "Resume getting a partially-downloaded file"
General -> Check "Don"t re-retrieve files unless newer than local"
HTTP -> Select "Chrome 5.0" as user agent
Advanced -> Check "--no-check-certificate" in HTTPS (SSL/TLS)
Advanced -> Check "--recursive" in Recursive Retrieval
Advanced -> Check "--parent" in Recursive Accept/Reject
Right click -> Start