
Hi, I'm Canan

Oups ...

Never forget impossible is possible


Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart.
We're just collecting some error info, and then we'll restart for you.

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For more information about this issue and possible fixes, visit

If you call a support person, give them this info:

Request this document and have your radar fine canceled

Request this document and have your radar fine canceled



The metrological notebook

  1. > This is a sort of "health record" since it lists not only the essential data on the identification of the radar (serial number, brand, model, etc.) but also all the information on the checks which have been carried out and on any repairs to which it has been subject (date, extent of the repair, etc.)
  2. A document essential for the use of an automatic radar must be able to be produced when you contest an offense that it has recorded
  3. A recent case demonstrates that the public prosecutor is not always in a position to be able to present it


  1. The request for the metrological log of the speedometer installed in the radar which recorded the offense that you are contesting can only be requested when you are summoned to court