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Never forget impossible is possible
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Ultimaker Cura
Ender 3 Pro
- Create an account and connect yourself to be able to use the market and his awesome plugins like:
Auto Rotation
Settings Guide
- Settings
Preferences -> General -> __YOUR_LANGUAGE__ (e.g.: English)
Preferences -> General -> __YOUR_CURRENCY__ (e.g.: €)
Preferences -> General -> Theme -> Ultimate Dark
Preferences -> General -> Slice automatically
Preferences -> General -> Uncheck "Send (anonymous) print information"
Preferences -> Printers -> __ADD_YOURS__ (e.g.: Ender 3 Pro)
Preferences -> Materials -> __YOUR_MATERIAL__ (e.g.: Generic PLA) -> Fill "Fialement Cost" and "Fialement Weight"
- Print settings
- > There are of course settings specific to each object and impression indicated by the creator, just like your choices for its final use, such as for example:
(Shell) Wall thickness = 3 x (Quality) Rounded line width
(Shell) Wall Line Count -> Increase from 2 to 6 if you want a more resistant object
(Support) Horizontal expansion -> Increase to 1 (if necessary)
(Support) Support Z Distance -> Increase if your support material is difficult to break
- /!\ If you need adhesion (like a cylinder or a very tall, thin backing), simply change your "Build Plate Adhesion Type" to "Edge"!
- /!\ You can change "Support X/Y Distance", "Support Overhang Angle" and "Minimum Support Area" when the support is not good (too much, not in the right place , above vacuum, etc.) everywhere!
- /!\ You can also block unnecessary media, with the built-in tool that generates cubes!
- Pause to change the color of the filament
Extensions -> Post processing -> Modify G-Code
Pause height (or Layer No): __YOUR_HEIGHT__ (or __YOUR_LAYER_NUMBER__)
Park Print head X: 20mm
Park Print head Y: 150mm
Retractation Y: 8mm
Retractation speed: 50mm/s
Extrude speed: 3.3333mm/s
Redo layers: 0
Standby temperature: 30 °C
- /!\ G-Code settings are not in the project/profile, but will stay in Cura!
- Tests
You can also run print tests to find out what you can and cannot print (temperature, angle, etc.) with your current settings
Thingiverse - Test Collection
- Backup (and restore)
- Copy (replace) all files to:
- /!\ Ultimaker Cura 4.4 is my version, but yours may be newer!
- Price (2019)
- > If we take a normal base, we have:
Full hours: 0,1921 €/Kwh (so in the day)
PLA coils: 12.99 €/Kg (so in promo)
- > We get, a print cost of only:
Filament: 12.99 € / 1000 g = 0.0129 €/g
Electricity: 350 w * 0.1921 €/Kwh / 1000 w = 0.067235 €/h
- > For example, if you want to print the drawer module for the Ender 3 Pro :
- Thingiverse - Front_Box_4_Ender_3_Pro_Rev_B: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3162464
116g (38.84m): 116g = 1.50€
11h17: 11.3h = 0.75€
- /!\ You can reduce more if you use a optimized print profil (cf: 2.)!
- > Total: 2.25€
- /!\ It will cost even less during the night and weekend (depending on the package), because if we take a normal basis in this case, we only have: 0.1359 €/Kwh
- 7. Bed cleaning
- Use isopropylic alcohol 99,9% with gloves
- > Gloves recommended when handling isopropanol:
Polyethylene / vinyl alcohol and ethylene / polyethylene multilayer (PE / EVAL / PE)
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
- For example: Latex-free nitrile dishwashing gloves (your size)