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Oups ...
Never forget impossible is possible
Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart.
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Roundup Weed Killer
- Not when it rains
- /!\ Otherwise the product goes into the ground
- Not when it's windy
- /!\ Otherwise the product may leave on the other plants
- What on the leaves
- /!\ Because it passes through the leaves to reach the roots
- Respect the dosage
- /!\ Because it passes through the leaves to reach the roots
- /!\ Ratio of 1 to 20
250.0 ml for 5000 ml (5.00 l)
37.5 ml for 750 ml (0.75 l)
50.0 ml for 1000 ml (1.00 l)
750x250/5000= 37.5ml
- For example: Roundup Innov 5L (with 480g/l of Glyphosate)
- Glyphosate is the particularity that makes it effective, but it is no longer authorized for individuals in France, but still for professionals (even organic)