Hi, I'm Canan
Oups ...
Never forget impossible is possible
Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart.
We're just collecting some error info, and then we'll restart for you.
0% complete
For more information about this issue and possible fixes, visit
If you call a support person, give them this info:
Build your PC
- Time
Plan a half afternoon to do things properly and cleanly (cable management), even an entire one if your have a large configuration
- Install RAM, CPU and Ventirad (or Watercooling)
- > CPU
Check the location of the small triangle in a corner that serves as a key on the CPU and CM
- > RAM
Check location of notch on RAM and CM
Depending on the CM, check on which slots you should use for the case of a single barette (even if it is not recommended with respect to the dual channel) or the slots for the two barettes (dual channel)
- /!\ Test to start to check that there are no hardware problems (so temporarily connect the PSU, the GPU and a screen on the CM)!
- Put the PSU and the CM (with the IO Shield and the support screws) in the Tower
- /!\ If your PSU is modular (or semi-modular), remember to check that you have put the necessary cables!
- Install the additional fan(s)
- Install HDD (s), SSD (s), DVD Drives, etc
- Connect the PSU to all components (without forgetting the Tower connectors)
- - This is done in two simultaneous steps:
Everything must be specified on the motherboard manual
Manage your cables
- Install the GPU
- /!\ Try to start to check that there are no hardware problems (so temporarily connect a screen to the GPU)!
- Install your OS
CPU : Processor
RAM : Random Access Memory
Ventirad : Aircooling
AIO : All in one
Watercooling custom : AIO handmade
PSU : Power supply unit
GPU : Graphic card
Tour : Case
HHD : Hard disk
SSD : Hard disk with Flash memory
OS : Système d'exploitation (c.f.: Windows)
Bottleneck : Bottleneck
OC : Overclock
CL : Latency
ROM : Mémoire morte de la carte mère
Single-core : Single-core
Multi-core : Multi-core
Airflow : Airflow