
Hi, I'm Canan

Oups ...

Never forget impossible is possible


Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart.
We're just collecting some error info, and then we'll restart for you.

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Add an project to git

Add an project to git

Android Studio


  1. Create a new project on GitLab
  2. Choose the + button on the menu bar and add a project name and then click "Create project"
  3. This will give you a new project address, choose the https version and you will have something like:
  5. Create a Git repository in Android Studio
  6. In the Android Studio menu go to "VCS" -> "Import into Version Control" -> "Create Git Repository" (select the root directory of your project)
  7. Add remote
  8. Go to "VCS" -> "Git" -> "Remotes" (copy paste in the https address you got from GitLab in step one)
  9. /!\ You may need to log in with your GitLab username and password!
  10. Add, commit, and push your files
  11. /!\ Make sure you have the top level of the project selected. If you are in the Android view you can switch it to the Project view
  12. To add a new file or update one, simply go to "VCS" -> "Git" -> "Add"
  13. After adding, do "VCS" -> "Git" -> "Commit" (you will need to write a commit message, something like "initial commit")!
  14. /!\ Do not forget to specify an user like "xxxx " (with your GitLab pseudo and mail)
  15. Finally, go to "VCS" -> "Git" -> "Push"