
Hi, I'm Canan

Oups ...

Never forget impossible is possible


Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart.
We're just collecting some error info, and then we'll restart for you.

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Analyse and Reformat code

Analyse and Reformat code

Android Studio


Analyse code

  1. Click on Root Project
  2. Click on "Analyse" -> "Inspect Code"
  3. Select on "Whole Project"
  4. Select on "Whole Project"
  5. Check following:
  6. Exclude "Properties Files" and "Spelling" categories
  7. "Android" -> "Lint" -> "Correctness" -> "Obsolete Gradle Dependency" (all except comment for block)
  8. "Android" -> "Lint" -> "Performance" -> "Obsolete SDK_INT Version Check" -> "Merge ressourcess from ... values"
  9. "Android" -> "Lint" -> "Performance" -> "Useless parent layout" -> check it
  10. "Android" -> "Lint" -> "Performance" -> "Unused resources" -> category -> file -> right click -> "Remove all unused declaration"
  11. /!\ Be sur you do not use it, because you can use it programmatically!
  12. "Java" -> "Accept suggested access level"
  13. "Java" -> "Imports" -> "Unused import"
  14. "Java" -> "Probable bug"

Reformat code

  1. Click on Root Project
  2. Click on "Code" -> "Reformat Code"
  3. Select ONLY "Optimize imports"
  4. Click on "Run"