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Mister Connect Plus - Burger buns
- Difficulty
- Price
- Quantity
- Preparation Time
- Cooking Time
- Rest Time
- Put the milk in the mixing bowl with the sugar and yeast
- Heat, without the measuring cup, 3 minutes / 37 °C / speed 1
- Insert the measuring cup and let it mix for 2 minutes
- Add the butter (cut into pieces), the flour, salt and egg, then insert the measuring cup and knead with the Malaxer program / 2 minutes to obtain a smooth paste
- Lightly flour a bowl and transfer the dough. Sprinkle with flour, cover and let rise for 30 minutes in a warm place
- Preheat the oven to 200 °C and wrap a baking sheet with baking paper
- Knead the dough again on a floured work surface and shape 6 small pebbles (make a cross on the visible side with the tip of the knife). Arrange them on parchment paper and let them rise under a cloth for 10 minutes
- Meanwhile, beat the egg yolk with the milk, brush the buns and sprinkle with sesame or poppy seeds, or coarse salt.
- Bake 25 minutes halfway up the oven until the buns are golden brown
- Cool completely