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Pizza - Queen
- Difficulty
- Price
- Quantity
- Preparation Time
- Cooking Time
- Rest Time
- Put the flour in a bowl
- Make a small well
- Pour all ingredients in order
- Knead and knead to a paste that does not stick to the bowl
- Make a ball, then leave it for 30 minutes covering the salad bowl with a cloth, or in a storage bag one night in the fridge
- Preheat your oven (rotating heat) 180 °
- Take a piece of baking paper the size of your easter for the oven, flour it lightly, then drop your ball on it
- Flatten your ball to make two discs, then shape it with your rolling pin to have a well round, fine dough of equal thickness
- Tap the entire outline with your fingers to allow you to earn a small margin to put cheese in, and so cover it to get a crust at the Pizza Hut
- Spread a relatively thin layer of tomato sauce and cover with light grated cheese
- Put down your garnish (so for example: ham, mushrooms and goat cheese)
- Bake 25 minutes at 180 ° (rotating heat)
- Check that the crust is cooked and browned, as well as the bottom of your pizzas, otherwise put back 5 minutes at 200 °
- Let stand 10 minutes so you do not burn
- Example of filling: Tomato Arrabiata sauce, grated cheese, 4 slices of ham, half a goat's donkey, 2 large fresh button mushrooms, etc.