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Wood oven pizza

Wood oven pizza



  • Difficulty
  • Price
  • Quantity
  • Preparation Time
  • Cooking Time
  • Rest Time




  1. Always be carried out strictly when the fire is out and the plate is cold
  2. Clean the chimney with a brass boss
  3. Take a brass bristle brush shown above and scrub with a little energy, then remove all the soot that has fallen during this simple cleaning operation
  4. Remove food and oil stains from the pizza stone
  5. Take a sponge soaked in water and vinegar, to rinse to remove the stain
  6. Do not use any chemicals, because they are harmful and, above all, alter the taste of food

Cook pizzas over an outdoor wood fire

  1. Put charcoal all around (emphasizing at the bottom because it is more accessible afterwards) and small pieces of teepee wood in the center
  2. Add two fire starters to the front, below the teepee, and light them
  4. Maintain the flames with kindling
  5. After about an hour, when the temperature rises well and the kindling turns into embers, bring the charcoal back on top so that it rises in temperature and becomes embers (faster than with dry wood)
  6. Meanwhile, roll out the dough with a rolling pin on parchment paper
  7. Flour both sides of the dough well so it doesn't stick to the shovel
  8. Place the dough on the shovel, to garnish it at the last moment (so that the dough does not absorb the ingredients and it is too heavy to put on the shovel)
  9. Push the embers around the center to make room (there are special tools if necessary)
  10. Place the pizza in the oven, sliding it into the center
  11. Follow the cooking, because if the dough swells, then we turn the pizza


  1. Must not touch the embers
  2. A simple thick brush should be enough to clean, without forgetting to do the arch
  3. Leave the door and the cover open to promote oxygenation
  4. You have to reach 480 degrees to have the Napolitana STG label, but 400 degrees will be enough
  5. Typically, a pizza will cook in less than 60 seconds, rotating it in half after 30 seconds
  6. Take a small metal shovel to lift one of the sides to make it move (after having made it touch the embers to eliminate any bacteria and so that it does not stick)