
Hi, I'm Canan

Oups ...

Never forget impossible is possible


Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart.
We're just collecting some error info, and then we'll restart for you.

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Install Transmission

Install Transmission



  1. Ensure your system is up to date
  2. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
  3. Installation
  4. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:transmissionbt/ppa
  5. sudo apt-get install transmission-cli transmission-common transmission-daemon
  6. Configuration
  7. service transmission-daemon stop
  8. Update "/etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json" file
  9. > Add or Edit (not remove !) to have following lines:
  10. "rpc-authentication-required": true,
  11. "rpc-bind-address": "",
  12. "rpc-enabled": true,
  13. # use SHA1 encryption
  14. "rpc-password": "__YOUR_PASSWORD__",
  15. "rpc-port": 9091,
  16. "rpc-url": "/transmission/",
  17. "rpc-username": "__YOUR_USERNAME__",
  18. "rpc-whitelist": "*.*.*.*",
  19. "rpc-whitelist-enabled": true,
  20. # 022 644 (rw-r--r--) 755 (rwxr-xr-x) = 18
  21. # 002 664 (rw-rw-r--) 775 (rwxrwxr-x) = 2
  22. "umask": 18 - > "umask": 2
  23. service transmission-daemon start
  24. service transmission-daemon reload
  25. Interface web
  26. http://__YOUR_SERVER_IP__:9091/transmission/web/
  27. Theme
  29. wget
  30. chmod +x
  31. ./
  32. /!\ Select "9. Installing from 'master' Repository." to have the last version and restart it!
  33. Plex user
  34. sudo adduser plex debian-transmission
  35. __YOUR_FOLDER__ is for exemple: "/home/Applications", "/home/Books", etc.
  36. sudo chmod g+rw "/home/__YOUR_FOLDER__"
  37. sudo chgrp -R debian-transmission "/home/__YOUR_FOLDER__"
  38. sudo chgrp debian-transmission -R "/home/__YOUR_FOLDER__"
  39. sudo chmod 775 -R "/home/__YOUR_FOLDER__"
  40. sudo chown root -R "/home/__YOUR_FOLDER__"
  41. /!\ Do it for all your concerned folders!
  42. Apache2 (to be able to write only /transmission and be redirect to correct full url and port)
  43. sudo apt-get install -y apache2
  44. sudo a2enmod proxy proxy_http rewrite
  45. Update "/etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf" file
  46. > Add or Edit (not remove !) to have following lines:
  47. RewriteEngine on
  48. # Transmission
  49. <VirtualHost *:80>
  50. ProxyPass /transmission http://localhost:9091/transmission
  51. ProxyPassReverse /transmission http://localhost:9091/transmission
  52. RewriteRule /transmission[/]?$ /transmission/web/ [L,R=permanent]
  53. RewriteRule /transmission/web?$ /transmission/web/ [R=permanent]
  54. </VirtualHost>
  55. > Force reload it with:
  56. service apache2 restart && service transmission-daemon restart
  57. Backup (and Restore)
  58. > Copy (Replace) all following directories and files:
  59. /etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json
  60. /var/lib/transmission-daemon/.config/transmission-daemon
  61. /!\ In case of restoration:
  62. You have to redo "5. Plex user" and give correct rights to configuration folder
  63. sudo chmod g+rw "/var/lib/transmission-daemon/.config"
  64. sudo chgrp -R debian-transmission "/var/lib/transmission-daemon/.config"
  65. sudo chgrp debian-transmission -R "/var/lib/transmission-daemon/.config"
  66. sudo chmod 775 -R "/var/lib/transmission-daemon/.config"
  67. sudo chown root -R "/var/lib/transmission-daemon/.config"