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Never forget impossible is possible
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Take care of a plant
The water
- Put the plastic pot which contains the plant in a deeper decorative pot so that the plastic one does not touch the bottom
- Pour the amount of water in the plant, so that the soil soaks
- /!\ The water level in the decorative pot must be about 1 cm near the plastic one!
- > This will allow the plant to have a minimum of water constantly
- /!\ Generally, what is sold is not of first quality, and in any case, it must be changed so that it can use what is contained in it
- Buy clay balls and soil dedicated to the plant
- Empty the plastic pot
- Put about 1 cm of clay balls at the bottom
- > Don't hesitate to use tutors for the rest
- Put the plant inside and hold it
- > If possible, get help, so that you will have both hands free for the rest
- Fill with special earth, fill the holes well and pack everything
- /!\ Repeat every few months (c.f.: 4 months)!
The sun
- Put the plant in height (c.f.: on a table)
- /!\ Only inside!
- Try to arrange it so that it is not in the sun all the time, but that it is in it every day (c.f.: depending on the orientation of the rooms in your accommodation)
- > The South East (SE) is very good, because the sun will only be present at the end of the day and the temperatures are good
- Like any plant, it must be hydrated, but not too much either
- Like any plant, it needs natural light, but not too much either