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Wash your cap
- https://beninwebtv.com/voici-comment-laver-une-casquette-sans-deformer-la-visiere/
- /!\ Better to use a soft-bristle brush or just use a sponge to avoid damaging the fabric, especially if it is a wool cap
- Soak your cap in lukewarm water and rub it gently with soapy water (detergent, dishwashing liquid or soap)
- > You can use a small brush to scrub the dirtiest areas
- Then rinse with clean water, and drain it with a terry cloth (a washcloth for example)
- https://www.clubtactic.com/dishwasher-cap/
- > If you have a cage, it is even possible to use it
- /!\ Only put your cap on the top grill, because it must be as far as possible from the heating element
- > As you have understood, the trick is to put it in your dishwasher
- We will choose a short washing program (not soaking) and the lowest temperature (generally 30 or 40°)
- /!\ I only put powder (without bleach in it to avoid discoloration), the same as for the dishes, not too much since I only had a cap
- /!\ I do not recommend anything other than powder, because soap foams too much and even if you use a little, the foam created will come out everywhere (experienced)
Cage for form
- https://www.amazon.fr/Rondelle-casquette-baseball-incurv%C3%A9e-lave-dishwasher/dp/B08NT62RKD/
- https://www.amazon.fr/Casquette-Buddy-virus-washer-Capuchons-casquette/dp/B01N6BPYCC/
- https://www.amazon.fr/Cap-Baseball-Cleaning-Storing-Buddy/dp/B00P7XU7LW/
- /!\ For drying, whatever the washing method, it will be in the open air
- /!\ Leave the cap in